2023 Final Conference – CleanAtlantic (extended project)

The final conference of the CleanAtlantic (extended project) « Tackling marine litter in the Atlantic Area » was held on June 21st, in a hybrid format (online and face-to-face in the CETMAR facilities in Vigo, Spain).
The CleanAtlantic project, financed by the Interreg Atlantic Area Program, aims to protect biodiversity and ecosystem services by improving capabilities for prevention, monitoring and reduction of marine litter. The Final Conference of the project aims to share and disseminate the results of the project, bringing together the project partnership and the wide community of stakeholders. The conference will foster discussion about the remaining gaps and opportunities to be tackled through new and innovative collaborative projects and networking activities.
The conference was opened to the public and had simultaneous translation to English and Spanish.
The conference program, presentations and recordings of the event are available here for download.
Paloma Rueda, Directora Gerente CETMAR
The CleanAtlantic approach. Marisa Fernández, CETMAR
Online information resources
The CleanAtlantic Knowledge Tool. Raquel Diez, CETMAR
Map of marine litter initiatives and measures. Marine Paul, CEDRE
Policy Toolkit. Mathilde Maure, CRPM
Monitoring of marine litter and data management
Advances on Marine litter data Management and Monitoring Tools. Morgan Le Moigne, IFREMER
Mussels as bioindicator for the presence of microplastics in the marine environment. Morgan Le Moigne & Josie Russell, IFREMER & CEFAS
Assessment of seafloor litter top10 items. Josie Russel, CEFAS
Modelling and mapping marine litter
Advances on modelling and mapping marine litter. Hilda de Pablo, IST
Advances on modelling and mapping marine litter. Sara Cloux, USC
Relationship between meteorological situations and the marine litter distribution using computational technics. Pedro Montero, INTECMAR
Reduction of marine litter
Examples of initiatives on the collection and upcycling of fishing gear and passively fished waste, and knowledge sharing by the Fishing for Litter HUB. Mike Mannaart, KIMO
ALDFG mapping and removal. Jose Luis Gómez, CETMAR
Beach and port litter clean-up techniques. Marie Babinot, CEDRE
Approaching fishing gear life cycle. Pedro Sepúlveda, DRAAC
Risks and impacts
Toxicity of butts and buds.Juan Santos, IEO
Advances on the knowledge of Marine litter as NIS Vector. Morgan Le Moigne & Peter Barry, IFREMER & CEFAS
Economic impact of marine litter on Fisheries and Shellfisheries. María Loureiro, USC
Networking for the future
Atlantic Area 2021-2022 Programme balance / 2021-2027 Programme perspectives. Ismael Morán-García, Joint Secretariat – Atlantic Area Programme
INdIGO project – Innovative Fishing Gear for Ocean. Claire Allanos, Université de Bretagne-Sud
Fishing for Litter and ALDFG in the Integrated project LIFE IP INTEMARES. Marta Martínez-Gil, MITERD
OSPAR’s 2nd Marine Litter Regional Action Plan. Emily Corcoran, OSPAR Secretariat
Alfonso Villares. Conselleiro do Mar, Xunta de Galicia