
CleanAtlantic Workshop: Advances in Monitoring and modelling marine litter

CleanAtlantic is organising the workshop “Advances in Monitoring and Modelling of marine litter” that will take place on the 9th May in the CETMAR facilities, in Vigo( Spain). The workshop is organised by IEO supported by CETMAR, and will gather local and regional stakeholders focusing their activity on marine litter. The seminar will consist of…
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CleanAtlantic 4th Coordination Meeting

The CleanAtlantic consortium met in Vigo (Spain) on the 7th and 8th of May to host the 4th Coordination Meeting. The meeting consisted of a 2-day event in which partners reviewed and discussed the progress on activities and tasks to achieve the project objectives. The meeting was held in the CETMAR facilities and was co-organised…
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CleanAtlantic muestra a los estudiantes del CEIP Virxe do Rocío de Vigo la problemática de las basuras marinas

Los alumnos del CEIP Virxe do Rocío de Bouzas, en Vigo, visitaron el pasado jueves día 11 las instalaciones del Centro Tecnológico del Mar (Fundación CETMAR) para conocer de primera mano el trabajo que se desarrolla en el centro. Los pequeños, de 6 a 12 años, participaron en distintos talleres, desde el papel de las…
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Students from Sesimbra (Portugal) collaborated with CleanAtlantic conducting marine litter monitoring activities

Students from Sesimbra (Portugal) conducted a marine litter monitoring under CleanAtlantic project Twenty-seven students from Castelo Middle School (6th grade) from Sesimbra (Portugal), have  conducted a marine litter monitoring action on Moinho de Baixo Beach (Meco, Portugal), picking up 934 items of marine litter, weighting 34.4 kg, on a 700 meters extension. Swabs, plastic bags and food packaging fragments…
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Radiografía de la basura marina en el Mediterráneo español

La basura marina es un problema creciente en el Mar Mediterráneo, pero pocos estudios se han centrado en su composición, distribución espacial y evolución temporal. Ahora, un nuevo trabajo revela que en aguas españolas los plásticos son el principal componente y que la densidad es mayor en el Mar de Alborán que en la región…
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CleanAtlantic in MARLICE 2019

MARLICE, the International Forum on Marine Litter and Circular Economy, was held in Seville on the past 10th-12th April, gathering public authorities, research institutes, private sector and environmental organizations. It was organised by AEBAM (The Spanish Marine Litter Association) and served as a platform for projects in the Atlantic and Mediterranean area promoting synergies between…
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The potential of satellite data in mapping marine litter hotspots

On the 23-25 January, CleanAtlantic participated on the Atlantic from Space Workshop in the NOC premises, in Southampton, UK that was organised by the European Space Agency (ESA). The workshop was aimed on identying gaps for the Atlantic region in terms of EO/data repositories, review main requirements from geo-information and identify high-level requirements and associated…
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Documentos TV – Plástico por todas partes

Desde la década de los 50’, cuando el plástico hizo su aparición en nuestras vidas hasta hoy, se han generado algo más de ocho mil millones de toneladas. Para los amantes de las comparaciones, sería el equivalente a 822.000 torres Eiffel. “Estamos en proceso de plastificar nuestro planeta y resulta muy difícil encontrar un lugar libre…
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CleanAtlantic 3rd Coordination meeting

The CleanAtlantic consortium met in Brest (France) on the 3rd and 4th of December during the III Coordination Meeting. The meeting consisted of a 2-day event in which partners reviewed and discussed the progress on activities and tasks. The meeting was hosted by CEDRE in their facilitites in Brest. Additionally, three discussion groups were coupled…
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CleanAtlantic Workshop with Stakeholders

CleanAtlantic is organising a workshop with stakeholders that is taking place today, on the 5th December in Brest, France. The workshop will gather local and regional stakeholders and will be supported by the project partners. Discussions will focus on three main topics: Best practices on waste management in harbours and preventing measures for reducing marine…
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