CleanAtlantic 3rd Coordination meeting

The CleanAtlantic consortium met in Brest (France) on the 3rd and 4th of December during the III Coordination Meeting. The meeting consisted of a 2-day event in which partners reviewed and discussed the progress on activities and tasks. The meeting was hosted by CEDRE in their facilitites in Brest.
Additionally, three discussion groups were coupled to the meeting: 1) Identification of stakeholders and marine litter initiatives in the Atlantic Area, 2) monitoring of marine litter and data management, and CleanAtlantic contribution to the INSPIRE Directive 3) mapping and modelling of marine litter.
Read the press release publishing the event here.
Our colleagues from DROTA also captured the moment in the video below:
Decorre em Brest, na França, a III reunião de coordenação do projeto CleanAtlantic, onde a Região Autónoma da Madeira está representada pela Direção Regional do Ordenamento do Território e Ambiente (DROTA) em conjunto com o parceiro regional ARDITI – Agência Regional para o Desenvolvimento da Investigação, Tecnologia e Inovação.Falamos com Patrícia Peréz, coordenadora técnica e representante do chefe de fila do projeto CleanAtlantic – o Centro Tecnológico del Mar, Fundación CETMAR para ficar a saber mais sobre a importância e o âmbito deste projeto. Vejam o vídeo!#CleanAtlanticTogether #Interreg #AtlanticArea#drota #CleanAtlantic
Publicada por DROTA en Martes, 4 de diciembre de 2018