CleanAtlantic in the Liege Colloquium on Ocean Dynamics 2020

The 52nd Liège Colloquium on Ocean Dynamics – Towards understanding and assessing human impacts on coastal marine environments, will take place in Liège, Belgium on the 25th to 29th May 2020. The colloquium would like to gather an interdisciplinary community of scientists in order to overview the progresses in our capabilities to understand, monitor and forecast the impact of human activities on coastal marine environments to guarantee a productive and healthy system as requested by the EU Marine Strategy Framework Directive and the UN Sustainable Development Goal 14. A special event gathering scientists, stakeholders and SMEs is foreseen for reviewing currents knowledge and gaps on offshore wind farms impacts on biodiversity and biogeochemistry. The session will set the scene for a follow-up discussion during a networking reception directly following the presentations.
Our partners from ARDITI will participate in this colloquium presenting the work:
“Air-sea-land modelling framework to assess the impacts of river runoff in the transport and retention of marine litter around Madeira island”