Mois : May 2018

Amount and distribution of benthic marine litter along Sardinian fishing grounds (CW Mediterranean Sea)

Researchers from the Università di Cagliari have studied the status of marine litter abundance along fishing grounds surrounding the island of Sardinia (CW Mediterranean Sea; FAO Geographical Sub-Area 11) through three years of trawl surveys.  A total of 302 hauls, covering a total of 18.4 km2 of trawled surface were carried out in the framework of the MEDITS campaign, at…
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One year after the launch of CleanSeas, the tide is turning

Do you feel uneasy when you buy a coffee in a takeaway plastic cup? Perhaps you feel awkward buying that bottle of water? We hope so, because raising awareness of what plastic waste is doing to our oceans, our wildlife and ourselves is what UN Environment’s #CleanSeas campaign has been all about since its launch…
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This plastic-free water bottle dissolves into nothing in less than 3 weeks

James Longcroft, a Scottish inventor, has created a disposable water bottle that disintegrates into nothing in salt water in just three weeks. Essentially a paper bottle with a biodegradable, waterproof liner, it is being considered a major breakthrough in combating the trash problem that is plaguing our oceans. With trash-islands the size of Texas being discovered and monitored in the…
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